Symbolically Adopt a Bee
More than 350 different bee species call the GTA home. Your backyard garden alone could contain 50 or more! As pollinators, bees play an indispensable role in our ecosystem, supporting the growth of countless plant species, from wildflowers to food crops.
Many native bee species populations are now in steep decline. Habitat loss is the primary culprit, although factors such as invasive species and the use of herbicides and pesticides also play a part. Protecting and restoring habitat where bees can thrive is essential to ensuring the continued biodiversity of the Toronto region.
Gifts that support The Foundation
The proceeds from your symbolic adoption will provide unrestricted funds which will help support projects throughout the Greater Toronto Area.
For your donation, you will receive a certificate of adoption, fun and informative newsletters, and a charitable tax receipt.
Gifts made through Toronto and Region Conservation Foundation are donations towards programs and designated funds in support of The Foundation. The adoption programs, services, equipment, and programs described in this catalogue are representations of the Foundation’s programs.