Your Impact / Our Work


Help conserve our natural environment, protect our communities, and create new greenspaces.


Help ensure clean, safe, and biodiverse water systems for generations to come.


Help promote environmental stewardship and develop resilient communities for the people who call the Toronto region home.


Help create long-term sustainability and make an impact in your community.

Preserving our green spaces makes our communities more livable, benefits our health, and protects biodiversity


As the population within our region continues to grow, how we manage and use our natural spaces will become increasingly important to the health of both the environment and our communities.

With close to 5 million people in our jurisdiction, 75% living within 2 kms of TRCA owned and managed public greenspace, it is no wonder 2020 saw a 35% increase in the use of our natural spaces over 2019.



The following are opportunities for how your donation to LAND can make an impact:

tree planting

Natural Area Restoration

To improve the quality of our natural areas, 263 ecosystem projects were initiated, restoring 129 ha of greenspace and planting 304,400 trees and shrubs across our jurisdiction in 2020. These projects benefit wildlife and species at risk that call our region their home.

land acquisition

Land Acquisition

TRCA protects and preserves greenspace across our jurisdiction, including an additional 131 ha in 2020. The goal is to ensure that both wildlife and our communities have access to quality greenspace close to home.


Active Transportation

In 2020 TRCA constructed 4.25 km of trails, including 1.75 km of trails outlined in the Trail Strategy. Trails connect residents to nature and provide opportunities for community recreation, active transportation, and healthy living.


Managing water resources is critical to sustaining wildlife, maintaining the activities that rely on it, and ensuring the safety and well-being of communities


Climate change is increasing the frequency and impacts of storms, leading to a rise in flooding and erosion, and creating lasting impacts on our shared water resources. The pressure on the health of our aquatic ecosystems, our drinking water supply, and the safety and well-being of the surrounding communities requires a coordinated response that both increases the capacity and quality of our waterbodies.

The changing climate impacts all of us, and protecting the close to 5 million residents in our jurisdiction through the creation of 250 flood maps and addressing the more than 5,000 erosion sites are just some of the ways TRCA is working hard to build flood resiliency. Improving our aquatic ecosystem requires overlapping efforts to resolve 5,500 drinking water threats, restore 15.8 ha of wetland, and 12.5 ha of shoreline.



The following are opportunities for how your donation to WATER can make an impact:

wetland restoration

Wetland Restoration

In 2020, ecosystem projects contributed to 28.3 ha of restored water resources including: 15.8 ha of wetland restoration and 3.7 km of stream restoration, which can have a direct influence on the water quality and habitat along the waterfront.

shoreline health

Shoreline Health

Shorelines across the Toronto region have historically provided rich aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Through the restoration of 12.5 ha of shoreline in 2020, TRCA has improved the fish community and water quality of its shoreline resources.

Aquatic Species Management

Aquatic Species Management

TRCA strives to improve the habitat and quality of water resources through habitat creation and invasive species management. In 2020, this included removing 966 invasive Sea Lamprey, and monitoring over 190 sites for Asian Carp through the Early Detection Program.


Building livable, resilient, and sustainable places through collaboration, education, and advocacy with our community neighbors to influence positive environmental actions


Complex environmental issues extend beyond our region, and we cannot face them alone. Now more than ever we need the collaboration of a community of advocates that can champion our shared conservation priorities in the face of competing pressures. With the help of industry, businesses, communities and individuals, we can plant the seeds of environmental action to protect our next generation.

Through access, engagement and education throughout our diverse communities, we are mounting a response to the complex environmental challenges we face. By providing access to greenspace to over 1,244,000 visitors , delivering 70,000 hours of education, and engaging 141,500 participants, TRCA encourages individuals to make positive changes that create lasting impact in greening the communities we share.



The following are opportunities for how your donation to COMMUNITY can make an impact:

Parks and Natural Spaces

Parks and Natural Spaces

In 2020, 1,244,000 community members visited TRCA facilities and trails. Access to greenspace provides opportunities for communities to connect with nature and increase mental and physical wellbeing.



The story of the Greater Toronto Region is told through our cultural programs. In 2020, these programs surveyed over 581 ha of land; identified 6 archeological sites that were previously unknown; enabled 35,000 guests to visit Black Creek Pioneer Village; and created cultural online resources which were accessed 45,000 times.

Changing Behaviour

Changing Behaviour

Through education and community programs which engaged over 141,500 participants in 2020, TRCA encourages communities to make positive changes. These programs improve climate preparedness, increase environmental awareness, and inspire positive action.


Fostering sustainable citizenship and creating champions for the environment by engaging businesses throughout the Toronto region in conservation and stewardship practices


Long-term sustainability across our jurisdiction requires industries, businesses, communities and individuals to take action in expanding awareness and involvement in sustainable practices. Businesses are natural community leaders, reinforcing the importance that industry engagement with conservation is critical to making lasting change.

TRCA and Toronto and Region Conservation Foundation offer a variety of corporate initiatives, from sponsorship to employee engagement. The Look After Where You Live program offers team-building activities to increase employee morale and educate corporate partners about how to make an impact on the local environment. Meanwhile, annual events like Paddle the Don and the Living City Dinner offer opportunities for sponsorship, engagement, and education.



The following are opportunities for how your donation to ENGAGEMENT can make an impact:

Look After Where You Live

Look After Where You Live

This program enables corporations to give back to nature and provide opportunities to make an immediate impact on the local environment. In 2019, the Foundation executed 57 corporate bookings and engaged hundreds of staff in its activities. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE PROGRAM.

Special Events

Signature Events

Annual signature events provide opportunities for individuals and corporations to support TRCA’s work as well as make a positive impact in our communities. In 2019 The Living City Dinner, Paddle the Don and Bike the Creek collectively brought together 1,800 people.

TRCF Operations


Unrestricted donations ensure that Toronto and Region Conservation Foundation can continue to support TRCA in its efforts to safeguard and enhance the health and well-being of watershed communities through the protection and restoration of the natural environment.