Symbolically Adopt a Red Fox
With its reputation for resourcefulness and cunning, the red fox has long been a pop-culture hero. Agile and intelligent, it thrives in a wide variety of environments — even large communities like the Greater Toronto Area.
While farmers once considered the red fox a pest, many now recognize the valuable role it plays in keeping down insect and rodent populations. By creating improved habitat for the red fox, rural property owners can make the most of this mutually beneficial relationship.
Gifts that support The Meadoway
The proceeds from your symbolic adoption will help conserve meadow habitat in the recently transformed The Meadoway: a vibrant 16-kilometre stretch of urban greenspace and meadows.
Thanks to donors like you, The Meadoway has become a place filled with butterflies, bees, birds, and wildflowers – a rich meadow landscape realized on a scale never before seen in Toronto.
For your donation, you will receive a certificate of adoption, fun and informative newsletters, and a charitable tax receipt.
Gifts made through Toronto and Region Conservation Foundation are donations towards programs and designated funds in support of The Foundation. The adoption programs, services, equipment, and programs described in this catalogue are representations of the Foundation’s programs.