Symbolically Adopt a River Otter
Beloved for its playfulness, the river otter likes to make its home near the water. By its den by the edge of a lake, stream or marsh, the river otter ventures forth by night to hunt for fish, amphibians, crayfish, and other aquatic delicacies.
Though common in southern Ontario, the river otter has been displaced from many areas by habitat loss resulting from urbanization. The species is also highly sensitive to environmental pollution.
This gift supports Tommy Thompson Park
The proceeds from your symbolic adoption will support ongoing conservation of Tommy Thompson Park’s wildlife habitats, which include wildflower meadows, cottonwood forests, coastal marshes, cobble beaches, and sand dunes. Tommy Thompson Park provides one of the best nature-watching areas in the Greater Toronto Area.
Conservation goals for Tommy Thompson Park include preserving significant species, protecting environmentally significant areas, and enhancing aquatic and terrestrial habitats.
For your donation, you will receive a certificate of adoption, fun and informative newsletters, and a charitable tax receipt.
Gifts made through Toronto and Region Conservation Foundation are donations towards programs and designated funds in support of The Foundation. The adoption programs, services, equipment, and programs described in this catalogue are representations of the Foundation’s programs.