Symbolic Animal Adoptions

Make a Difference Locally

Symbolic animal adoptions support conservation projects that protect and restore natural and cultural heritage and strengthen communities in the Toronto Region.

Gifts that support The Meadoway

The proceeds from your symbolic adoption will help conserve meadow habitat in the recently transformed The Meadoway: a vibrant 16-kilometre stretch of urban greenspace and meadows.

Thanks to donors like you, The Meadoway has become a place filled with butterflies, bees, birds, and wildflowers – a rich meadow landscape realized on a scale never before seen in Toronto.

For your donation, you will receive a certificate of adoption, fun and informative newsletters, and a charitable tax receipt.

Select one of these animals to symbolically adopt:
(Click or tap on the image)

Gifts that support Tommy Thompson Park

The proceeds from your symbolic adoption will support ongoing conservation of Tommy Thompson Park’s  wildlife habitats, which include wildflower meadows, cottonwood forests, coastal marshes, cobble beaches, and sand dunes. Tommy Thompson Park provides one of the best nature-watching areas in the Greater Toronto Area.

Conservation goals for Tommy Thompson Park include preserving significant species, protecting environmentally significant areas, and enhancing aquatic and terrestrial habitats.

For your donation, you will receive a certificate of adoption, fun and informative newsletters, and a charitable tax receipt.

Select one of these animals to symbolically adopt:
(Click or tap on the image)

Gifts that support The Foundation

The proceeds from your symbolic adoption will provide unrestricted funds which will help support projects throughout the Greater Toronto Area.

For your donation, you will receive a certificate of adoption, fun and informative newsletters, and a charitable tax receipt.

Select one of these animals to symbolically adopt:
(Click or tap on the image)

Gifts that support The Village at Black Creek

The proceeds from your symbolic adoption will support restoration projects and programs at The Village at Black Creek.

At the Village, visitors can discover 40 historic buildings, over 50 rare and heritage breed animals, 10 different gardens with flowers and vegetables grown from heirloom seeds, 50,000 historical artifacts, and a wide variety of engaging programs for people of all ages.

For your donation, you will receive a certificate of adoption, fun and informative newsletters, and a charitable tax receipt.

Select one of these animals to symbolically adopt:
(Click or tap on the image)

Gifts made through Toronto and Region Conservation Foundation are donations towards programs and designated funds in support of The Foundation. The adoption programs, services, equipment and programs described in this catalog are representations of the Foundation’s Programs.